Thursday, September 10, 2009

Nearly ready for paint

I called Bondo to ask what about painting Buzz with a single color and while I had him on the phone, we talked about the fenders and what he's having to do to make them pretty. Lots of filler, unfortunately, as I had expected. In any case, it's nearly ready for primer, which means the whole thing is nearly ready for paint...

As an added (though welcome) distraction, my wife just bought a home built VW trike. It's already road worthy with the exception of troubleshooting the turn signals and headlight. Get those done and get it inspected and it could be driven anytime.

Well, there is a major design flaw that makes it VERY difficult to drive the trike on an incline. The placement of the brake pedal and accelerator makes it impossible to feather the throttle to gently climb an incline, you know, like our driveway. These engines are notorious for a low torque idle (at least in my experience), so I can't feather the clutch without feathering the throttle and I can't get to the throttle without releasing the brake.

She would rather have a hand throttle anyway, though there's no reason we can't have both.

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